


Core Belief

Seems like

these days

there are a lot of people out there telling you what to do with your business. That’s bad enough, but they make you feel like you’re not doing anything right.


I find that offensive and wrong. They don’t know you. They don’t know the first thing about running YOUR business. You need solutions that speak to your specific needs.


Fun Facts

Always wears Chucks

Master of sarcasm

Book Recommendations

Coming Soon


Find Your Betty

Find Your Betty Workbook


allow me


to introduce

e.h. howard

Owner | Lead Instructor

I feel strongly that it’s a duty to give back, to assist those who come after us. To share with them the skills we learned, the secrets to our success. More importantly, to share our failures. To give them an understanding of how to overcome.


It quickly became apparent that education is a business. Students, like consumers, were seen as revenue sources. Students, like consumers had a dollar value. They weren’t seen as the building blocks to a stronger, better institution. Things are still the same, which is why I wanted to change it.


Join me and we'll take your existing skills and apply them in new and exciting ways. Take your sales and marketing higher. Get the ROI you want and desire, in ways that make sense and are easy to apply!


Three beliefs

Three beliefs

What Did you say to me?

What Did you say to me?

Can't sell beige

Can't sell beige

I'm Mad as hell...

It’d be nice

if there was

a manual...

 or handbook you got the day you opened the doors. Sadly there isn’t. There should be, but there isn’t.


I spent a lot of time looking for solutions to the problems and challenges that I was facing; and constantly came up short. That left me throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck. That’s no way to run a business.


I wanted my business to be the resource for others that I’d wished I’d had access to.


Design office

Design office



Affiliations & Associations

Anaheim Chamber of Commerce

Anaheim, CA

Placentia Chamber of Commerce

Placentia, CA



Letip international

Tip Master

TEAM Referral Network

Chapter President

It should be

about the student...

That idea tapped into years of experience as an educator. I strove to prepare students for whatever came at them. To get them ready for real world practice, over learning software specific skills that wouldn’t be valid in a year.


Owning the Design Office, allowed me to really give them up to date, real world experience and projects that could help them stand out in the crowd. They knew how to solve problems when they occurred.


It’s the idea of thinking and problem solving over step by step software skills.


Design office

Design office



You deserve

the very best...

Every business deserves to be able to put their best foot forward. For many reasons they cut corners and did the best they could with what they had


My focus with the Design Office was to give independent businesses what they deserved. I quickly learned that the deep streak of independence ran through everything they did. I realized, they wanted to do it themselves, that they actually, on one level, enjoyed doing it. They just wanted to learn how. To do it easier and faster; and get better results.


Social Media

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